I'm back

After a grueling Holiday season with plenty of life altering changes inbetween. I am back to the land of the living and getting my life in order.

Back in Early December, my brilliant father who had been battling stage 4 cancer took a turn for the worse. he passed away Feb 6th 2018. 

Although he had effectively beat cancer, his body was too weak to fight off the myriad of different infections that he kept contracting at home and then after he was admitted to the Hospital. I am going to share here a post I made on facebook. Just some words to honor him as a person.

Also, I realize that some may feel this sort of self promotion at a time like this would be "inappropriate" however, knowing my dad the way I did, I know he would approve of me making the following statement, for both practicality and the commitment of my convictions.

For those of you that have been interested in working together in the US. I would recommend you check out my schedule and if you have been thinking about setting something up, now would be a good time to reach out. This will likely be my last year of extensive traveling. Come 2019 I plan on switching gears and focusing on a new career path that I have been contemplating for a very very long time. 


Now the FB post and a few images of me and my Dad

RIP John Anthony West 9/7/1932- 2/6/2018

Thank you Dad for teaching me so many things...

Thank you for teaching me that whoever pushes my buttons becomes my master.

Thank you for teaching me that the only relationship that truly matters is the one I have with myself.

Thank you for never telling me what to do and allowing me to make mistakes on my own.

And thank you for teaching me that anything that comes from a politician, academic or mass media should immediately be distrusted.

Thank you for countless memories filled with happiness, vodka, and relentless character building. 
I will hold you in my heart for eternity.

I'm setting my mourning aside and celebrating your amazing life and the massive impact that you had on mine and so many others.

Cheers Dad! I'll see you on the other side
