Joshua Tree National Park

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting Joshua Tree National Park. I have heard amazing things about it and even during my brief 6 month stay in LA somehow the opportunity never presented itself. 

I plan my modeling tours about 2-3 months in advance. So I knew I would be heading into southern CA for a while. It turned out that a photographer in New England, whom I have been shooting with for years was planning a trip to Socal during the same time. And I was thrilled when he suggested we take a trip to Joshua Tree. 

It was about 2.5 hours from Burbank and well worth the trip, although I wish we could have stayed there longer to shoot. The Park is where the Mojave and Colorado Desert meet and it provides a very unique environment. The iconic Joshua Tree is not found in many places in the world. And the park is one of (possibly the only) place you can find them. 

There will be more over the course of the next few weeks. 

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